Stand Out.
Small Classes, Accessible Faculty
Did you know average school enrollment in the U.S. has increased 500+% since 1950?
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has been committed to decreasing school size for decades. As they note, “Studies show that small schools have higher attendance rates, higher grade-point averages, lower dropout rates, and students and teachers who report being more satisfied with the experience.”
When you’re one of only 6-8 students per faculty member, there’s always someone to help.
When your classes have less than 15 students, most of your questions get answered.
When your teacher knows not only your name but your passions and pain points as well, then your learning can truly accelerate.
Less Waiting, More Exploring
Ask your kids how long they spend waiting each day. The bathroom line, the lunch line, the lines for kickball or for Science labs - in large schools, the time really adds up quickly.
Luckily, kids at small schools get to DO things, not just think about them. They get hands-on - whether in the mud, or in cutting-edge tech - and activate their brain in ways that the “Common Core” couldn’t imagine.
Without the long lines.
We do the Research
If anything, there’s too much information out there on how to best raise kids these days. Go faster - no, go slower. Do lots of extracurriculars - or not, because kids need rest and time to read. No screen time? Too much screen time? Where’s the happy medium?
Luckily, there’s a plethora of actual research that indicates the powerful benefits of small schools. When a student finds the right school, we’ve seen boosts in every area - academic, social, emotional, spiritual, and many more.
Our friends at the Small Schools Coalition (SSC) have put together an extensive list on the research behind small classes and small school environments - if you're someone who likes to know what’s true or not, check it out for yourself!
Outside the Box
Frequent field trips, expeditions, global travel, and other outdoor exploration means that learning doesn’t stop at the doorway. By tearing down artificial walls, cross-disciplinary (and cross-cultural) solutions start to present themselves in ways no one can predict.
Keeping the big picture in mind puts learning into perspective, giving students a broad framework on which to build their education.
Authentic Connections
Small Schools aren’t just about students’ brains - our tight-knit communities contribute to social and emotional growth in a huge way. When parents, students, and teachers can collaborate and support each other, it amplifies the well-being of the whole community.